Lizzie Jones (Chairman)
Finance, Planning, Playing Field, Cemetery, Fuel Allotment Charity, Personnel, Collier's bridge project, Access Common Land & Beacon. Representative to Culmstock Village Hall. Correspondent to Governing Body of the Primary School.
Jude Zebedee (Vice Chairman)
Cemetery and Planning. Representative to Culmstock Village Hall & correspondent to the Parish News.
Rosemary Balchin
Finance, Planning, Highways, Playing Field and Collier's bridge project.
Jo Saunders
Playing Field. Correspondent to Beacon Christmas Lights.
Charlie Kay
Emergency Plan, Collier's bridge project.
Catherine Bass
Planning, Highways, Access, Common Land & Beacon, Flooding & Sewerage, Emergency. Representative to BHPN & correspondent to Parish News.
Sarah Leppard
Playing Field, Collier's bridge project. Correspondent to Governing Body of the Primary School.
Tim Platel
Access, Common Land & Beacon
Devon County Councillor - Ray Radford.
1 Townsend Gardens, Willand Road, Tiverton, EX16 7LP.
Tel: 01884 820000.
Email Ray Radford
Mid Devon District Councillor - Simon Clist
Hemyock. Tel: 07855 027595
Email Simon Clist
Mid Devon District Councillor - Natasha Bradshaw
Tel: 01884 233246